Five Manchester Female Artists to Watch in 2018


Jake Oliver / Image by Ian Cheek Press

05 Mar 2018

As International Women's Day approaches on Thursday 8th March, we take a look at some of Manchester's hottest-tipped female artists...

Manchester, a city of musical genius, home to some of the most recognisable and iconic
artists in the world. But in an industry largely dominated by men, it’s high time to finally
shed some light on some truly unmissable female artists from the 0161. Let’s look at some
of Manchester’s best and brightest ladies that you simply can’t afford to miss this year.

1 – Pale Waves
Drawing inspiration from all things 80s, Pale Waves are a dreamy indie synth-pop group
making massive movements in the world right now. The goth-pop quartet of Heather, Ciara,
Hugo and Charlie have recently finished a massive tour stateside and are on the cusp of
blowing up, so make sure you catch them this year before they hit the big time.


If you’re looking for an artist that makes you feel 200% cooler than you actually are, you
need to check out 21-year- old IAMDDB. Blending trap beats and electronic synthesisers with
a truly badass attitude, IAMDDB is fresh, unique and exciting. Her live performances are
nothing short of spectacular so get yourself to a show ASAP.

3 – LayFullStop

Remaining fairly underground still, with a bulk of her work on Soundcloud and Youtube,
LayFullStop is the perfect combination of soul and classic hip hop, whose otherwise laidback
vibe is heightened by her confident and self-assured lyrics (‘Bohemian Queen’ is a great
example). Her time in the background is finally coming to an end, and 2018 is sure to be the
year that Lay hits the big time.

4 – ILL

This girl group is a powerhouse of the weird and wonderful, standing as a complete
embodiment of a new wave of punk music. Their sound ranges from the politically charged
to industrial rage to and pretty much everything in between. Simply put, they’re one of the
most unique bands out there at the moment and are doing things very differently, making
them all the more compelling and worth a listen.

5 – Peaness

Working together diligently since 2014, Peaness have been steadily producing some light-
hearted, and extremely catchy indie tunes that will definitely get you through these long
winter months. Peaness have this unrivalled ability to bring an element of sunshine and
warmth to your everyday life, which is frankly much needed in these bleak times. 2018 sees
them touring extensively, supporting the likes of INHEAVEN as well as a few headline slots
of their own.