7 of the Best Obscure Drinking Games


Hannah Nicholson-Tottle

19 Jun 2018

Just in case you need another reason to drink.

Sick of Ring of Fire? Then look no further…

1. Centurion:

You will need: 2.5 litres of (low volume) beer or cider, a timer and no desire to live.

The basic premise of the game is that you drink 100 shots (25ml measure) in 100 minutes. Do not try this with spirits. You will be sick 10 minutes in, your flatmates will laugh and the photo will be on your fridge for the next three years. Use the video above to keep track of time!

2. Flunky Ball:

You will need: two teams, a ball, a large bottle and some space.

This German drinking game is perfect for making friends at festivals or for spicing up pres during the summer, get to know the rules with this handy animation by Greg Murphy. Plus it’s a team sport, so the more trash talk the better…

3. Straight Face:

You will need: small pieces of paper, pens, a poor sense of humour.

All players write sentences on small pieces of paper.  One at a time, each player will choose a slip of paper and attempt to read whatever is written on it without laughing or cracking a smile. If they fail, they have to drink. Innuendo bingo is an excellent source of inspiration...

4. Cards Against Humanity Charades:

You will need: Cards Against Humanity.

Similar premise as Straight Face but a whole new level of humour. Use the white Cards Against Humanity cards as charades cards and the team that loses has to drink, bonus drinks to anyone who laughs or cracks a smile. If you don't have the set, watch the video above and copy out the cards shown!  Your mate silently trying to act out the ‘Harry Potter erotica’ card? Hilarious.

5. Sip Sip Shot:

You will need: Space and a circle friends.

Like Duck Duck Goose, but with more falling. Each player has a can and some shots in front of them, if you're tapped as a 'sip' then you sip your can, and if you're tapped as the 'shot' you have to chase the 'tapper' once around the circle while drinking your can. The chaser's aim is to tap the 'tapper' before they make it back to their place in the circle. Loser does a shot.

6. Possum:

You will need: Trees, a friend and a big bag o’cans.

You and a friend or two climb a tree with a bag of your chosen alcohol; drink as much as you can until you fall out. This is popular in New Zealand, apparently.

7. Beer Wizard:

You will need: Duct tape, drinks in cans, 6+ friends and a humiliating hat. Costumes aren't compulsory but are advised.

The idea of the game is to drink cans and level up your wizardly skills. Once you finish a drink you get a new one, and tape it to the top of the old can. This puts you at level 2 (2 cans). Drink that can, get new one, tape to top of old can, welcome to level 2.  In case you haven't figured it out by now, you are constructing a staff, which is an indicator of your level of wizardry and drunkenness.

Then comes the most entertaining part of the game - the spells. The higher your level the more spells are unlocked, which cost a can to cast:

Level 1: No spells at this level, you are weak.

Level 2:  ‘Can to the Face.’ You can call out someone of a lower level and make them take a drink.

Level 3: ‘Wizard’s Duel.’  Challenge someone to a common drinking game/activity, the winner uses the can to level up, the loser loses a can from their staff.

**Boss Morgan** You can only proceed to the next level after a shot of Captain Morgan

Level 4: ‘Counterspell.’  If anyone casts a spell on you, you may deflect it back to them by instantly, with no hesitation shouting Counterspell.

Level 5: ‘Beerekinesis.’ Summon a drink via a wizard of a lower level, finish their drink and add it to your staff.

Level 6: ‘The Archmage.’ Create a rule that all must follow under penalty of drinking.

**Boss Daniel** You can only proceed to the next level after a shot of Jack Daniels

Level 7: ‘Beer Blast.’ Fire a beer-powered spell at another wizard, forcing them to down their drink, no matter how full.

Level 8: ‘The Hat of Shame.’ Humiliate a pathetic lesser Wizard by forcing them to wear a humorous headpiece of your creation.

**Boss Abe** You can only proceed to the next level after a shot of Absinthe


Level 9:  ‘The Wise Wizard.’ No one can cast spells on you and you can do as you damn well please. If someone else reaches your level of greatness, you must DEFEND AND FIGHT FOR YOU HONOUR. Use your staffs to compete in wizard combat, the loser is the one whose staff breaks first and they may keep the longer end of his staff, but the shorter end is lost. The winner is the new Wisest Wizard.

So go on, make it a night to (not) remember...